The Middle Village Maspeth Civic Association Mission Statement:
The MVMCA's main goal is to improve the quality of life in the neighborhoods of Middle Village and Maspeth by:
Welcoming all members of the community into the civic association
- The MVMCA believes that it is important that residents throughout the entire communities of Middle Village and Maspeth feel
that they are included and interests are not limited to a small geographic location
- We will initiate an aggressive outreach program to achieve comprehensive community involvement.
Providing an open forum for all to express concerns and ideas affecting our communities
- Community members should have a forum to speak freely and honestly about issues that concern them.
- Moreover, they should feel that they are taken seriously and treated with respect despite their views or opinions.
- The civic association will advocate for the community in its entirety and not solely for the vocal minority.
Promoting family values
- The MVMCA is committed to preserving the importance of family values.
- The association will champion the concept that it takes a village to raise a child.
Encouraging community involvement in all aspects of the community
- The MVMCA will stress the importance of community participation in all areas important to our neighborhoods.
Educating children of the importance of civic involvement
- The MVMCA will encourage parents to involve children in community affairs.
- The MVMCA will conduct classes for age appropriate children to teach them the importance of civic involvement, family values, and American ideals
Keeping the community safe
- The MVMCA will work closely with local police precincts to ensure the safety of our neighborhoods.
- Alert police of problem areas in our communities
- We will promote the initiation of block associations and neighborhood watches to assist local law enforcement.
- We will try to establish a local Community Emergency Response Team
Promoting an intelligent and effective balance between development and preservation
- Work with the local community board to curtail over-development
- Alert the Department of Buildings of problems with construction projects in our area
- Work with developers to ensure cooperation with the community
- Determine areas in our community that should be saved from development and that meet landmark status criterion
Opening the lines of communication between the community and elected officials
- Develop working relationships with local elected officials at all levels of government
- Promote the importance of being respectful and considerate to those who represent us in government.
- The MVMCA will be clear and concise when dealing with elected officials and will not utilize unscrupulous tactics to achieve our desired goals
Opening the lines of communication between government agencies
- We will invite representatives of various city agencies to attend meetings and address the community
- Residents will be given the opportunity to express concerns to city agencies
Involving local businesses and merchants in community affairs
- The MVMCA will encourage local businesses to get more involved in the community
- We will develop a strong partnership between merchants and the neighborhoods they serve
Executive Board
Joe Cimino - President
Daniel O'Brien - Vice President
Kathleen McClelland - Secretary
Dennis Coppolla - Treasurer
Frank Insalaco - Sergeant at Arms
John Amato - Counsel